
Monday, June 20, 2011


I'm starting week 3 of unemployment. And as I begin this gorgeous Monday morning, I'm starting to realize just how satisfied I am with my life now. The sun is shining, there's a slight breeze and before it reaches an ungodly temperature this afternoon, I can sit and enjoy reading on my porch.

There are few things that really make me happy like a pretty day. When I worked in the newsroom, I didn't get enough of them. There are no windows in the newsroom, I never know if it's sunny, raining or sometimes, we'd look out at our tower cameras and find it was-- much to our surprise-- snowing. I've spent the past 5 years of my life like that. And now, there's a tremendous satisfaction in knowing that I'm free.

Granted, Matt still wants me to get a job. And really, I need a job. I abandoned my promising career in search of something greater... I still have no idea what that something is, but from this view, on my porch, I know it does not include serving a life sentence in a newsroom.

I did interview at Operation Christmas Child last week. For 2 hours and 15 minutes I sat and talked with a guy named Chris. It was a great conversation and great interview. If I don't get the job, at least I can say it was a positive experience... one that I've not had often since it was only my 2nd ever interview after college... I'll hear from them this week.

I am now a part of the public relations committee for Habitat for Humanity York County. The committee is just getting re-started. I created a press release last night for HFHYC and got an immense feeling of satisfaction in crafting something as simple as a release.

I just want to become a writer. I'm not asking for fame-- just enough money to get by... guess I'd better get at it... because what better way to start than with a beautiful day and a breeze.

Monday, June 13, 2011

"Better than sex."

That's how my dad described his drive in a NASCAR around the track at Charlotte Motor Speedway on Saturday. My sister and I were surprised at that description... but were happy he was so happy :) haha. It was his birthday and father's day present... and something he can now cross off his bucket list.

I made a video of it. Short and sweet. :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I'm day 5 into unemployment. It's been pretty much what I expected. I wake up, I drink coffee in bed until I feel like getting a shower and cleaning/organizing my house. I'm kind of in a holding pattern. Samaritan's purse said I'd hear about the job I interviewed for by this week. So I'm kind of hesitant to apply for any other jobs at the moment.

Enough about jobs/work/lackofwork.

My parents and sister are coming up today for part of the weekend. Dad's going to drive a NASCAR around the track in concord... it was a birthday present-- because what ELSE do you get for the man who has everything and wants nothing? :)

Matt's little brother Nick is moving in this month. I've been cleaning/clearing our guest room so he can take over. It's a lot harder than I thought to condense 3 rooms into 2. We've piled my Jeep with stuff to take to Goodwill. It feels kind of therapeutic to clear it all out.

I realize the longer I'm unemployed the more boring my writing may become. *sigh*

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Today I had a phone interview for a job with Operation Christmas Child. It's a ministry of Samaritan's Purse. It's a temporary (June-December) Media Relations job. The job doesn't pay much, but I think I'll be rewarded in many other ways for my efforts. It's where I want to take my life, both personally and professionally. I have been given so much in my life and I know there is so much I have to offer others... I need to give back.

So anyway, I'll hear in about a week or so if they like me. We'll see. The job doesn't pay much (hardly enough to cover my gas frankly) but it will be my stepping stone into the direction I hope to go.

My last day at work is Friday. I can't wait.

Friday, May 20, 2011


It's done. This week I turned in my notice to Channel 9. I handed it in and immediately felt this surge of power. A rush. I have not regretted it once. My coworkers all seem thrilled for my newfound happiness. I'm so glad I followed my heart.

So what now? That's a question I've been getting a lot. My boss sent a note to the newsroom making it sound like I'd accepted a paying job with my local habitat affiliate that I have been volunteering with. This is not the case and I'm fairly certain that she just said that to avoid having to tell people that I'd rather be unemployed than work in that dark dungeon any longer.

I want to write. For real. I want to write a book. I want to write for magazines. I want to volunteer even more for habitat. I want to take disaster training classes with the red cross and get deployed to help natural disaster victims who live hundreds of miles away. I want to give back to the world that has given so much to me.

Matt, while he is willing to support me financially, is not so keen on my idealism. He wants me to find a paying job that makes me happy. He is supporting me because not so long ago he was not happy with his job... and I backed him 100%. That's what we married folk do. We have each other's backs.

I have some potential freelance work. It involves linking myself to a former anchor who is known for outbursts of rudeness and complete disorganization... but hey, if it pays the bills...

Either way, I'm following my heart. I'm doing something that will open new doors. I will be happy. I won't eat 2 meals a day at my desk. I will have windows to look out of. I will go outside. I will bid goodbye to the profession that has claimed my eyesight and probably a good 10 years off my lifespan. My last day is the friday after Memorial day...

I may not be done with news for good. This may just be a break in the road. In a year, if I get the urge, my non-compete clause of my contract will be up and I can go any damn where I want to produce. Including our direct competition across town which is known for being a much more manageable work environment...

I'm pretty darn pleased with myself.

oh yeah, and I got an amazing new tattoo. It's a section of a stained glass window from a church where we stayed while cleaning up after Katrina. I am so proud of it. It reminds me of the love, trust and gratefulness between complete strangers during times of disaster. It reminds me to give back.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

the note.

So, there's this thing with the managers in my newsroom. They only like to send notes about personnel changes out when it's something good, or someone's leaving. I've been there nearly 5 years and they have NEVER sent out a note when they've demoted someone.

So last week, I sent out my own.

It was professional, concise and to the point. No drama needed.

It was a note I should have never had to send myself. My own demotion note.

But after all, they told me I could tell people however I wanted. That is how I wanted to do it. Graciously acknowledging the coworker who got promoted-- and greatly deserved it-- and telling everyone the plan...

Did it suck? yes. I didn't want to do it. But the coworker who got my show deserved that much respect at least...

Meanwhile, I'm continuing to slide down the rabbit hole that is my desire to leave. I told my mother today that I feel like there's a giant magnet pulling me away from that place. Telling me it's not where I need to be anymore. An entrepreneur I sought advice from yesterday lit the fire under me with his "well what are you waiting for?" approach... and what am I waiting for? I'm only young once. I can't be chained down by a dumb job making $47K a year. It's not worth it. There will be other jobs. But I've only got one life.

I've been talking to God a lot lately. See, this is not the easiest thing for me. I'm stubborn. Thought I didn't need him... and look where it got me. The truth of the matter is, lately I've been so overwhelmed with so many things, I just need to put off my burden and lean on him... he's propping me up at this point.

I'm quitting my job. Soon. I can't say this way. I can't stay in such a dark place. I'm planning on putting in my notice mid-May... 2 weeks. Then 2 more weeks and I'm free. I'm never looking back.

I'm scared. It's like... this big thing that I thought I needed to fulfill me... that I thought would make me whole and fill me up turned out not to be that at all. I got up close... got near it, and discovered it was filled with vinegar. Filled with every ugly thing that I don't want in my life.

I don't have another job to go to... I don't even have any solid prospects. But I do have a loving husband who for some reason is willing to put up with my unemployed self and support me in my crazy endeavor to find whatever fulfillment I'm searching for.

I'm thinking of writing a book. I've got a few thoughts mulling around in my brain. That could at least keep me occupied while I search for my next big thing.

In many ways, I'm so lucky. I'm so grateful. I'm so blessed.

So overwhelmed.

I've just got to take a deep breath, and jump.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


something happened, and a switch flipped. I don't love producing tv news anymore. I hoped the feeling would wear off. that it would go away. but it hasn't. It has stayed much, much longer than I wanted it to. it hurts. it kills me. because it's always what I wanted to do... I'm not sure what i am going to do without it.

I loved it. I felt energized and challenged. Now I feel like I've aged 10 years. i have been dragged thru the depths by bad management who can't figure out why people don't want to stay there. why people don't want to watch us. i don't understand why they've watched so long.

i've been reaching out. trying to make connections. i'm not good at it. i am not good at reaching out for help. but I also know i can't write or format a resume to save my life. i have no idea even where to start on my search. fortunately i have many people who love and care for me who want to help. i hope that it is thru them that i can find a new direction.

I want to help people. sounds cliche, I know... but i want to do something with my life that helps improve other lives. that helps society and will reward me not in money necessarily (though that would be nice) but in peace within my soul. i want peace.

right now, i don't have that.

i have anxiety.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I used to write.

I used to write for fun. I used to write to purge all the thoughts from my brain. I used to write to be happy and content.

Then I started writing for a living, and everything changed.

I can't remember when I stopped writing. But I know I've been far too busy with life to do it in the past few years, and it's been building up. I remember feeling to at peace after I would pound out a few paragraphs. I miss that. Because now, I have no outlet. I have no way to get the thoughts out, not a healthy way anyway.

So this, this is my therapy. I practice yoga to heal my body. This will help heal my brain. Purge the ugliness and frustration. Release them in a good productive manner, something I enjoy.

That's my plan anyway. I need to be dedicated. I will be. I have to be.

If not, I'm gonna lose it.