
Thursday, January 19, 2012


Ernest is apparently our newest Medic "resident"... and by that, I mean he's the latest cadaver that's in our anatomy lab. At least, that's what one of my new paramedic friends tells me. He says he got to do a procedure on Ernest today... of which I know nothing about, but which I'm sure was very exciting.

I've been at Medic since September, and have yet to have the privilege of venturing into that lab. It's not that I wouldn't love to, I just haven't been invited in, and it's kept behind lock and key so I can't exactly 'accidentally' wander into it.

I hope Ernest, whether that's his real name or not, knows how much the donation of his mortal remains is helping our crews train. It's really an awesome thing to do.

My great GREAT uncle died from advanced melanoma last year. It came on fast, as far as I can tell, and he was very sick for a very short time. He donated his body to science. To Vanderbilt University in Nashville. He wanted the doctors there to use his cancer-ridden body to learn what they can about melanoma.

As someone who had melanoma, at the ripe old age of 21, my great great uncle's generosity is really especially awesome to me. My mom didn't even tell me it was melanoma until after he died. She was afraid it would freak me out, which it did. My translucent skin didn't take well to the sun, but growing up on the coast, what choice did I have? Now I've got a pretty scar on my arm where a mole used to be, and I thank myself each day for being so smart to recognize it had morphed into something scary looking... now I'm an advocate of mole checks and sunscreen... and a hater of tanning beds (though I never used one myself...)

But my uncle's donation has me thinking. I've always wanted to be cremated. The whole having people stare at you dead and then be buried in a box thing isn't really my style... but now I'm thinking, what if my body could do others good too? The possibilities are really limitless. Organ donation, my eyes could help someone else see... or whole-body donation... nurses, paramedics or doctors could use my body to learn new skills and help give better treatment to the living...

or if my melanoma comes back one day, and finishes what it started, maybe I can end up being the reason some researcher finds a cure for the disease... and singlehandedly save thousands... maybe.

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